互動寬頻科技股份有限公司Ambit Broadband Corp.
Ambit Broadband Corporation is known worldwid

Ambit Broadband Corporation is known worldwide for innovation and leadership in wired and wireless broadband communications, Ambit currently supplies products to the top-tier service providers throughout
the world. The company’s product portfolio encompasses the needs of data,
voice, video, and mobility. Ambit is committed designing and delivering
solutions that advance the broadband experience for consumers and generate additional revenue for service providers. With over 12 million devicesinstalled, Ambit continues to drive the technology wave and is committed to providing affordable, high quality products.台元街38號6樓 Cable:1)Data Modem 2)Router 3)Wireless Mobem 4)eMTA
DSL:1)Ethernet Router 2)Wireless Router 3)VoIP Gateway
Set Top Box:1)OCAP Set Top Box 2)IP Set Top Box
Internet Mobile Phone

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